Summer School

Summer School “How to influence scientific outcomes with innovations”

Date: July 2024  |  Place: room 01.11, Clinical and Didactic Center at the Medical University of Lodz 

Speakers - visiting Professors

Prof. Joanna Klubo-Gwiezdzinska, MD, PhD, MHSc
Visiting Professor at the Department of Endocrinology and Metabolic Diseases (Prof. Małgorzata Karbownik-Lewińska)
Lasker Tenure Track Investigator is the Acting Section Chief of Thyroid Tumors and Functional Thyroid Disorders at the Metabolic Diseases Branch, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, MD. She obtained her MD and PhD degree from Nicolaus Copernicus University, Collegium Medicum in Bydgoszcz, Poland, and Master of Health Science degree from Duke University, Durham, NC, USA. She underwent residency training in Nicolaus Copernicus University, Poland as well as Georgetown University, Washington, DC and fellowship in endocrinology at the National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA. She is board certified in internal medicine and endocrinology, diabetes and metabolic diseases.
Prof. Klubo-Gwiezdzinska’s primary scientific focus involves translational and clinical studies focused on the optimization of thyroid cancer diagnosis, as well as appropriate risk stratification and therapy aimed at improving patients’ morbidity and mortality outcomes utilizing personalized medicine. She is an author of 95 publications in high impact journals including JAMA, Lancet Oncology, Clinical Cancer Research and 12 book chapters. Prof. Klubo-Gwiezdzinska is a recipient of several awards for her work, including prestigious the American Society for Clinical Investigation 2021 Young Physician-Scientist Award and Women Advancing Thyroid Research Award from the American Thyroid Association.

Prof. Arkadiusz Sitek
Visiting Professor at the Department of Nuclear Medicine (Prof. Zbigniew Adamczewski)
Prof. Arkadiusz Sitek is a Professor at Harvard Medical School and an Associate Investigator at Massachusetts General Hospital, Center for Advanced Medical Computing and Analysis, where he applies expertise in artificial intelligence (Al), data science, and medical physics to address healthcare challenges. With over 20 years of experience in this field, he is passionate about integrating technology and medicine to enhance patient outcomes, improve clinical workflows. Previously employed at IBM and Philips Research in Cambridge. In 2006-2015, assistant professor at Harvard Medical School, and a medical physicist at the Brigham and Women’s and Massachusetts General Hospitals. In years 2001-2006 scientist in Lawrence Berkeley Labs in Berkeley and Beth Israel Medical Center in Boston. His professional interests are focused on the use of computing in medicine. He specializes in the application of statistical methods in healthcare, medical data visualization, medical physics, and machine learning.
His research focuses on developing and implementing Al-driven solutions for various healthcare domains, such as clinical decision support systems, computer vision for diagnostic medical imaging, biomarker discovery, and telemedicine. He aims to advance healthcare innovation through Al and data science, collaborating with a multidisciplinary team of clinicians, researchers, and data scientists. His work has been recognized in numerous journals and awards, and involves partnerships with global industry and academic institutions. He also leads teams and research programs, effectively communicating complex ideas to diverse audiences. With a PhD in Medical Physics, he has a strong background in both the theoretical and practical aspects of Al and healthcare.

Meeting schedule

The Summer School will take place from July 9th till July 12th 2024 (4 days).

How to register?

The number of seats is limited – the order of applications determines admission. 
Priority in applying is given to doctoral students studying at the International Doctoral School. 

Registration lasts from 1st February till 30th March 2024. 

To register, please use the link below.


Integrating & Icebreaking Online Session – 29.06.2024, godz. 17.00-19.00

Speaker: Ewelina Łojewska, PhD

Join us for an interactive online meeting designed to foster integration and break the ice before the summer school begins. This session is specifically tailored for PhD students, providing a platform to network, share experiences, and build connections with peers from diverse backgrounds and research areas. Through engaging activities and discussions, participants will have the opportunity to forge meaningful relationships, exchange ideas, and set a collaborative tone for the upcoming summer school. Whether you're a seasoned researcher or just starting your doctoral journey, this session aims to create a welcoming environment conducive to academic growth.

Ewelina Łojewska, PhD
brings over 5 years of expertise in facilitating co-creation workshops, developed through her role in managing the Polish edition of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT Health) course “Co-creation in Healthcare Innovations". With a focus on advancing innovations in healthcare, Ewelina's approach is distinguished by her commitment to incorporating the perspectives of all stakeholders, aligning closely with the principles of the EU Responsible Research and Innovation Policy. Ewelina holds a PhD in Medical Biotechnology, further solidifying her academic expertise and specialization in the field. Her scholarly contributions extend beyond her doctoral research, as evidenced by her authorship of scientific publications.
Ewelina works as a Senior International Project Specialist at the International Projects Department at Medical University of Lodz. She is actively supporting international projects in healthcare at MUL, based on programs like Horizon Europe, Interreg, Erasmus+, and EIT Health.

Course Description:

In a world of fast expanding global science, success accrues to those who understand how to effectively use different innovations to their advantage. The proliferation of innovations is occurring at an unprecedented pace, often outpacing the development of educational programs. Only a limited number of individuals possess the knowledge of effectively integrating innovative practices into their research endeavors. Summer School for PhD students is a specialized and intensive program designed to provide advanced education and training in the intersection of healthcare and innovation. The primary focus of this program is to explore how innovative technologies, methodologies, and approaches can impact healthcare outcomes, with a specific emphasis on research and practical applications. The course is designed to uncover individual views and feelings about the usage of different innovations during your clinical and develop practical perspectives and approaches to overcome problems and capitalize on opportunities. Through lectures, case discussions, and assignments, students will learn how to effectively include innovations in their career pathways.

Overall, the Summer School aims to equip PhD students with the tools, insights, and collaborative skills needed to make meaningful contributions to the evolving landscape of healthcare through innovation.

Course Objectives:

  • Understand the core concepts, approaches, and practices in healthcare technological innovations;
  • Apply concepts, approaches, and practices to case studies and personal situations within their organizations/research project;
  • Communicate ideas, analyses, and conclusions—both verbally and in writing—in a logical and evidence-based manner.

Key components of Summer School:

  • Interdisciplinary Approach
  • Research Collaborations
  • Hands-on Workshops
  • Networking Opportunities

Mode of Attendance & Participation Policy

The summer school is scheduled to be conducted on-site in Lodz, Poland, within the contemporary facilities of the Clinical and Didactic Center at the Medical University of Lodz. Attendance in person is mandatory for all participants.
Pre-learning meetings take place over Teams. Because they involve active participation, discussion, and dialogue, you are expected to attend all pre-learning.

Grading & Grade Definitions

Grading is based on two areas of the class with the associated weightings:

  1. Written Case Analysis and Self-Assessment 30%
  2. Class Attendance & Participation 70%

Written Case Analysis and Self-Assessment
You will submit written case analyses for one case assigned. While you may work in groups to analyze the case, each write-up is an individual activity. The written analysis should be no longer than one (1) page (typed, single-spaced, 11-point font), not including exhibits. You can add up to three pages of exhibits, tables, and figures in an Appendix.

Class Attendance & Participation
Missing more than two classes will lower your participation grade. You are also expected to be on time for the class. If you cannot attend a lecture, will be late joining the web conference, or need to leave early, please notify the instructor and teaching assistant in advance. Participation also means being able to make informed, relevant comments based on your knowledge of the material.

PhD students conducting their education at the IDS will receive additional 15 hours of elective courses upon positive completion of the Summer School.

Need more information?

For more information please contact the Office of Doctoral Studies:

Aleksandra Czekalska MA – Manager of the Office of Doctoral Studies | (42) 272 50 79
+48 785 911 521 (during working hours of the Office)

Ada Mikulska MA – Independent clerk for doctoral studies | (42) 272 50 80

Karolina Dzięcioł MA – Independent clerk for doctoral studies | (42) 272 50 84

Accessibility Services Policy

Medical University of Lodz is committed to providing an accessible academic community. The summer school team is responsible for providing help and access to students with special needs or disabilities. It is imperative to be in touch with the team as soon as possible to avoid delays in the provision of support. For more information, email:

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