See the full, step-by-step recruitment process

The recruitment procedure for The Doctoral School is based on the competition and its principles are defined in a resolution.  Recruitment, number of places available and the placement allocation in the organisational units are announced in the Rector’s ordinance by the dates specified in the recruitment schedule. The Rector’s ordinance will be made public on the University website and this will include the list of research topics suggested by the organisational units. You can apply for maximum one specified place available by selecting only one research topic.

The recruitment procedure to International Doctoral School is composed of the following stages:

I – Candidates submit the documentation required for the recruitment proceeding

The candidate is obliged to registered in University electronic recruitment system by candidates (, later documents should be submitted to the recruitment committee, via The Office of Doctoral Studies, by the dates specified in the recruitment schedule, the following documents:

1)   an application for admission to the Doctoral School downloaded from the University electronic recruitment system, filed with the Rector through the Director of the Doctoral School; the application should include in particular: personal details of the candidate, topic of the research project, signature of a proposed supervisor confirming a consent for scientific supervision over preparation of the doctoral thesis;

2)   curriculum vitae (resume) including information on education, interests and scientific achievements of the candidate, including scientific publications and scientific meeting communications for the period of the last five years prior to filing of the application for admission to the Doctoral School;

3)   the original or a certified copy of the diploma of completion of a second-cycle or a uniform long-cycle programme or a certificate of completion of a second-cycle or a uniform long-cycle programme and on being awarded the professional title of magister, magister inżynier or an equivalent title issued by the dean’s office;

4)   a certificate of the grade-point average obtained for a first-cycle and second-cycle programme or for a uniform long-cycle programme or for programme of studies completed abroad and being regarded as equivalent to first-cycle and second-cycle programmes  or a uniform long-cycle programme;

5)   an outline of the research project specified in § 7 item 3, consisting of up to three A4 pages, approved by the proposed supervisor is located;

6)   a certificate confirming knowledge of another modern foreign language, other than English language – if a candidate holds such a certificate;

7)   documents confirming scientific achievements including in particular: copies of scientific publications and scientific meeting communications for the period of the last five years prior to filing of the application for admission to the Doctoral School, copies of diplomas confirming awards granted by the Student Scientific Society or other scientific societies, awards granted by the Rector to the best students and graduates or awards granted by the Minister;

8)   certificates on:

  1. participation in student exchange programmes,
  2. completion of post-graduate studies – if a candidate holds such a document;

9)   a diploma or a certificate on completion of other programme of university studies – if a candidate holds such a document;

10)    two recent and signed photos in the format specified for identification documents;

11)    if a candidate has a certificate of disability degree or a certificate specified in  art. 5 and art. 62 of the Act of 27 August 1997 on Professional and Social Rehabilitation and Employment of Disables Persons – a copy of the certificate.

12)    A candidate, holding a diploma of studies completed abroad which, in compliance with the provisions of the Act, confirms education at the level equivalent to a second–cycle programme or a uniform long-cycle programme in the Republic of Poland, or regarded as equivalent to a Polish diploma of completion of a second-cycle programme or a uniform long-cycle programme and the professional title of magister, magister inżynier or an equivalent title, is obliged to submit:

  • a diploma which is authenticated or has an Apostille clause enclosed,
  • a certificate of recognition n, under the recognition procedure, of the equivalence of the diploma with a relevant Polish diploma of completion of studies and the professional title – if they are required under the law.

13)    Documents drawn up in a foreign language should be submitted along with sworn translation into Polish done by a certified translator, subject to item 14.

14)    Documents drawn up in a foreign language other than English language shall be accepted provided that they are submitted along with English translation thereof

15)    In the case of foreigners, it is acceptable to send scans of required documents with sworn translation via electronic mail ( provided that they are sent within the time limit set in the recruitment schedule, and the original documents are submitted to the Recruitment Committee through the Office for Doctoral Students not later than within four days following publication of the list of candidates qualified for admission to the Doctoral School. In such a case the date of sending an e-mail with scans of documents enclosed is deemed to be the date of filing thereof.

II – Verification of the submitted documentation
All the documents submitted by candidates in the recruitment proceeding are verified by the recruitment committee: the evaluation of last 5 years’ scientific achievements and GPA calculation are verified.

III – Qualification procedure

  1. written examination in English
  2. oral examination in the major subject taken in English – on the basis of the research proposal submitted by the candidate

IV – Enrolment into the list of doctoral students or receipt of administrative decision