
We are developing a scholarship support network with two types of grants that doctoral students who meet the conditions of the Nawa Ster Regulations can apply for. Among others, international achievements (conferences, publications, projects, workshops) will be assessed. This scholarship is to act as an incentive system.

Ordinance no. 46/2022 of 12 May 2022 issued by the Rector of the Medical University of Lodz on the Regulations on Awarding and Payment of Scholarships of the National Agency for Academic Exchange under “STER – Internationalisation of Doctoral Schools" Programme at the Medical University of Lodz

Ordinance No. 15/2024
of 13th February, issued by the Rector of the Medical University of Lodz amending Order No. 46/2022 of May 12, 2022 of the Rector of the Medical University in Łódź on the Regulations for granting and paying the scholarship of the National Agency Academic Exchange under the “STER − Internationalization of Doctoral Schools" program at the Medical University of Lodz and regarding the announcement of the uniform text of the Regulations

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